Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Last Few Days...

Ahhh-HHHHHHH....I got my macbook back!!!! It was long awaited and very overdue!

It's very refreshing to know that I have it back...and from now on, I will back it up (every month, which is one of my goals)!

So let me take it back 2 days husband normally has Tuesday's and Wednesday's off (it sucks that he doesn't exactly get the weekend off, but we make the best of making Tuesday and Wednesday the weekend), so on Tuesday we decided to stay in and make some pizza.

This pizza was so delicious. We used fresh and local goat cheese, eggplant, spinach, zucchini, cremini mushrooms, onion and peppers. This is the first pizza I've ever made AND had where it wasn't covered in cheese (I really enjoyed having the majority of the pizza covered in veggies instead - plus one of my goals this week is to not eat cow's products).

We also got a soup from Natures Fare (local, organic grocery store) to go with the pizza:

This was just amazing! It was a Moroccan spiced soup with yams and turkey. I would eat it in, I was craving it the next day!

Also, we decided to make cookies!! Cookies with peanut butter because I love peanut butter! For the longest time Skippy was always my favourite brand, becoming more healthy I eventually switched to organic peanut butter, and boy had I been missing out. If I had known all along that organic could taste better than hydrogenated oiled peanut butter, I would have switched years ago! I also enjoy almond butter!

In this case, these peanut butter cookies actually asked for peanut butter cups (oops!) so, not as healthy. I chose this cookie recipe though, since it contained no milk! Tyler and I are an awesome team...he greased the trays while I finished mixing up cookie mixture:

He went a little butter crazy:

Boo! We burnt them!

Ah well. Better luck for us next time!

Apart from burning them...we had fun.

On Wednesday, I attempted to golf with my hubby! He was super excited to fiiiiinally take me out and to tell you the truth...I actually didn't do that bad. My first time golfing in a year and a half, and I actually hit the ball the first time! It was nice to get out and try at least. I might even attempt it one more time before the season's over!

Since we're more than halfway through the week, I'll update you on how our goals are doing. Here's the summary with how we've progressed:

  • Practice (golf) - 4 hours/2 hours short game  ~ practiced today.
  • Workout 3 times ~ worked out once so far (shot hoops)
  • Play golf 3 times ~ played Tuesday morning, then yesterday afternoon with me!

And mine.

  • Eat foods that contain no cow's milk ~ so far, so good.
  • Make a dinner with fennel ~ hoping for Friday to do this.
  • Workout 3 times this week (run at least once and climb stairs) ~ climbed stairs yesterday and calves are KILLING today!
  • Get a food journal ~ have been recording it on a whiteboard (oops, forgot today so far).
  • Make a new recipe and/or create one of my own ~ we kinda did this with our pizza...but I'd like to fully make a new one, so hopefully before Monday!
There you have it!

What have you accomplished so far this week that you're proud of?


  1. Pizza looks delicious and so those cookies =) Its adorable that you and your husband cook together!

  2. That pizza looks delicious! I absolutely love goat cheese on pizza (or on anything, really!). It's great how you and your husband set goals for yourselves - something I need to get better at doing for myself!

    PS. Roasting tomatoes is a great idea. I'll have to try that... I bet they'd be great on pizza too :)
