Thursday, December 2, 2010


So I'm finally in Florida. Although, I've been here since Sunday, the delay in a post is due to my lack of internet. Luckily, I have managed to steal it off the neighbours (thanks guys!)

I've reunited with the husband (yay), but the weather isn't so great (boo). We went to the outlets yesterday and to the mall today...bad for the wallet!

So pleeeeeeease Mother Nature, make me a happy lady and bring the warmth again (and my wallet will thank me)!

Even with the bad weather, it can't put a damper on my mood because we have two friends coming into town tomorrow and for this, I am excited.

I really am truly a boring person and can't even think of anything else to post on....I pretty much, eat shop, drink some tea, then watch tv...the true Florida life?

Oh, and go out for great dinner deals...who doesn't love cheap night?

This is where I would normally insert a cutesy out-to-dinner pictures, but since I'm stealing internet and it's super options are limited (aka: it won't let me upload!!!!)

I promise next post I'll get back into the swing of writing and write something much more entertaining and better put...sorry guys.

What do you like to do when you're on vacation?